Wabi Sabi Bouquet Fine Art Print

from $49.00

The Wabi Sabi Bouquet Fine Art Print is a bouquet inspired by the perfect imperfection of Japanese food, art and nature. Lashes of dashi, ramen, soy eggs, radishes and sushi offset with the delicate flowers of the cherry blossom.

Fine art prints are made to order and takes 5-10 days to print plus shipping time. All art is professionally printed in Australia with archival ink on 310gsm 100% cotton rag paper.


The Wabi Sabi Bouquet Fine Art Print is a bouquet inspired by the perfect imperfection of Japanese food, art and nature. Lashes of dashi, ramen, soy eggs, radishes and sushi offset with the delicate flowers of the cherry blossom.

Fine art prints are made to order and takes 5-10 days to print plus shipping time. All art is professionally printed in Australia with archival ink on 310gsm 100% cotton rag paper.

The Wabi Sabi Bouquet Fine Art Print is a bouquet inspired by the perfect imperfection of Japanese food, art and nature. Lashes of dashi, ramen, soy eggs, radishes and sushi offset with the delicate flowers of the cherry blossom.

Fine art prints are made to order and takes 5-10 days to print plus shipping time. All art is professionally printed in Australia with archival ink on 310gsm 100% cotton rag paper.

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